The first swimming instructor team in Jambiani


This year our sponge farmers went several times to Michamvi to take swimming lessons. The Kichanga Foundation teaches there young men and women how to swim. In order to reduce costs in the future, we have financed a swimming teacher training for six members of our team. In the future they will teach swimming to all new sponge farmer trainees. With great pride the four farmers and two coral farmers have successfully completed their training.

The Sponge Farming Team at the Beach Festival
The first swimming competition organized by us at the Jambiani Beach Festival.

It is a milestone for the women. Without any swimming skills, they were rightly afraid at the beginning when the water flows into the lagoon at the end of the low tide and they were a little late in returning. Their newly acquired self-confidence now allows them to work outdoors on the farms for longer. Often they even go out earlier and swim out.

The fishermen were amazed when the women swam towards them recently. 'Hey! Don't go out too far', they shouted. The women just laughed and swam past the amazed fishermen. They proudly told us this anecdote.

Shemsa swam to third place and won a prize.
Shemsa swam to third place and won a prize.

The ambition of her colleagues to learn to swim as well should be awakened. From now on they will be the ones who teach the new women farmers how to swim and hopefully soon many young people.

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