Support of the Mnemba Reforestation Program


On top of our own reforestation program in Jambiani, we have coached and actively supported the young team on Mnemba Island in developing their infrastructure for coral farming for the past year. The local project manager has left Oceans Without Borders (OWB) and we have temporarily stepped in to manage their coral farming project. In addition to a new project manager, more coral reef rangers are being sought.

Team Treffen
Always great joy when the teams meet

Two employees spend two days per week on Mnemba Island. They mainly teach the OWB team how to better plan and more efficiently execute key activities. Since air and underwater communication are limited on each dive well thought-out and rehearsed procedures are essential.


While cementing of coral babies into underwater drilled holes is still the method of choice for larger specimens, the practical Australian CoralClips® are more and more becoming our standard method for attaching corals. CoralClips are nailed to the damaged reef and clamp the cultured coral fragments in place until they are grow to the substrate. They allow us transplant twice as many corals per dive which reduces the cost per coral to less than $4.

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